1837 Born
Mother Catherine Fennin
Father: Thomas Edwards
Sponsor1: Patrick Murray
Sponsor2: Helen Daly
1837 Born
Mother Catherine Fennin
Father: Thomas Edwards
Sponsor1: Patrick Murray
Sponsor2: Helen Daly
1866 March 25th Born
Mother Margaret Fennin
Father Hugh Donohue
Sponsor1: Hugh Lynch
Sponsor2: Bridget Donohoe
James Cullen
1860 has son Daniel Cullen sponsors: Bernard Farrington and Catherine Cullen
1861 has son James Cullen sponsors: James Freeman and Catherine Farrel
1864 Has daughter Anna Cullen. Sponsors Patrick Costello and Maria
1866 has son Charles Cullen
1865 August 27 Born
Mother: Elizabeth Fennin
Father Patrick Nester
sponsor Michl Noonan
sponsor2: Mary Cunningham
1867 from marriage record
7 Margaret place Ann Cullen
9 Margaret Place: William Hendry
In the 1851 Scotland census there is a James Darby living at 9 st Margaret’s Place lanarkshire. Need to find out if there is more then one Margaret’s place. He is also an old clother dealer. Birth year 1836 15years old in census