by admin
on September 2, 2012
1871 born
1894 marries Elija Jane Hendry
1895 has daughter Evelina Hobben
1896 Annie Theresa Hobben
1898 Fredrick Hobben
1900 Thomas Hobben
1902 Beatrice Hobben
1905 James Alexander Hobben
1908 Florence Winifred Hobben
1913 Monica Adelade Hobben
occupation: umbrella cutter
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by admin
on September 1, 2012
1851, 1852 estimated birth years
1852 born in Ireland
1871 address 54 Canal Street, occupation: machine server via Scotland Census
1872 married James Cosbey
1881 address West End, occupation: house wife via Scotland Census
1891 address 34 Strathblane road via Scotland Census
1901 address 34 Strathblane road via Scotland Census
Mother Eliza Martin
Father Alexander McDonnell
sister: Mary McDonnell

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by admin
on September 1, 2012
Birth year unknown should be around 1820 however so far unable to find a birth certificate or even a marriage certificate.
Marries Alexander McDonnell
1843 gives birth to Mary McDonnell’s
1850 Gives birth to Hannah McDonald
Might be Martha McDonald’s mother too
In my search to find Elizabeth martin’s birth certificate I have found information on a dozen other Elizabeth martins
January 19th Wicklow father Patrick mother Ann. sponsor 1: John sponsor 2 Dorothy Cormel
July Philip Julia regan sponsors Geoffrey and Catherine martin
1821 Samuel and Ann
1821 James Mary cronly
1818 Patrick Mary kelly
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by admin
on September 1, 2012
Should be born around 1820
Has son Patrick Darby
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by admin
on August 27, 2012
1875 Born in Glasgow Lanarkshire to William Hendry and Ann Cullen
1894 marries James Hobben Date of marriage 1894 Dec 31
31 Moir Street Glasgow Lanarkshire
1946 Date of death age 71 Cardio Vascular Degeneration
91 Bedlay Street Glasgow Lanarkshire
Evelina Hobben
Annie Theresa Hobben
Fredrisck Albert Hobben marries Sophia Mary Barlow
Thomas Arthur Hobben marries Grace Gray Riddick
Beatrice Hobben
James Alexander Hobben
Florence Winifred Hobben
Monica Adelade Hobben
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by admin
on August 26, 2012
Is a witness at Patrick Darby and Mary McDonnell wedding along with John Lapsley. Not sure how they are related and if by Darby or McDonnell. Last names have not shown up anywhere else.
John Lapsley along with William Lapsley are witness’s at Patrick Darby and Mary McDonnell’s wedding. I don’t know much about either of them but have found several possible suspects:
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by admin
on August 26, 2012
John Lapsley along with William Lapsley are witness’s at Patrick Darby and Mary McDonnell’s wedding. I don’t know much about either of them but have found several possible suspects:
1821 born in Laois
Father: William Lapsley. Mother: Mary
1824 born in Laois
Father: John Lapsley. Mother: Cath (Holland)
1828 born in Laois
Father: James Lapsley. Mother: Bid (Bridget) Delaney
1834 born in Laois
Father Patrick Lapsley. Mother: Mary Carroll
1855 born in Donegal
Father: Edward Lapsley Mother: Jane
1858 born in Laois
Father: John Lapsley Mother: Bridget Ryan
1860 born in Kilkenny
Father: Patrick Lapsley Mother: Mary Walsh
1830 John Lapsley and Catherine White
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by admin
on August 23, 2012
1868 born
Married Buchanan
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by admin
on August 21, 2012
Bernard Connelly makes an appearance at William Hendry and Elizabeth Darby’s wedding. Elizabeth Darby is daughter of Patrick Darby and Mary McDonald. Mary McDonald’s mother might be Eleanor Connelly. These records are to help find a connection between Bernard Connelly and Alexander McDonald and Eleanor McDonald nee Connolly. Some of the records obviously don’t match but I had them anyway so maybe they might help someone else.

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by admin
on August 20, 2012
born 1866
1887 marries Albert Eschwei
1887 has son George Eschwei
1889 has son Albert Eschwei
1898 has son Harry Eschwei
1890 has daughter Josephina Eschwei
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