Marries John Connelly
daughter 1820 Margaret Connelly
Born 1879
1899 November 24 Marries Thomas Malarkey in Glasgow
1899 address 4 Burrells lane Glasgow
1900 Has son Thomas Malarkey marries Elizabeth Barr
1901 has son Alexander Malarkey
1902 has daughter Catherine Malarkey
1905 has daughter Margaret Malarkey marries Thomas Prior
1908 has daughter Mary Ellen Corrigan Malarkey
1909 has son William Croskell Malarkey
1911 has son Hugh McVey Malarkey
1914 has son John Malarkey
1917 has son Robert Malarkey
1919 – 2001 James Malarkey marries Jean Burrows Ellis
1921 – 1986 Elizabeth Malarkey
1956 address William Street
1956 Died
Mother : Mary McDonnell
Maternal Grandmother: Eleanor Connelly
Maternal Grandfather: Alexander McDonnell
Father: Patrick Darby
Paternal Grandmother: Mary Carr
Paternal Grandfather: James Darby
1820 Born Castlenugent Co. Longford
Father: John Connelly
Mother: Margaret Farrell
Sponsor Patrick MacKeon
Question?? Is this Margaret Mulligan?
Is a witness at Eleanor Connolly and Alexander MAcDonnels wedding. Not sure how he is related to them.
Mother of Lizzie Fennin and Anna Marie Fennin
Marries William Fennin
Possibly related to Patrick Fury
1866 Born Castlemitchel Athy co Kildare.
Father William Fennin
Mother Julia Fury
sponsor 1: John Fennin
Sponsor 2: Margaret Conran