1894 born in New York
1900 live Oyster Bay Long Island
1910 lives Oyster Bay Long Island
Marries George Sanford Kelly
has son George S Kelley
has son Joseph Kelley
1930 United States Census
Mother: Mary Martin 1870
Maternal grandmother:
Maternal grandfather : Peter Martin
Father: Michael Joseph Fennin
Paternal grandmother Anne keeffe
Paternal Grandfather: 1814 Timothy Fennin

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1910 Lives Oyster Bay, Nassau, New York
Mother Mary Martin
Father: Michael Fennin

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1915 arrival New York
1920 Lives Oyster Bay
1996 Death
Marries Harry Eschwei
Mother Mary Martin
Father Michael Joseph Fennin
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Mother: Mary Martin 1870
Father: Michael Joseph Fennin 1865
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1873 Athy Kildare Ireland

Mother: Mary Kearney (Carney)
Maternal Grandmother: Bridget Burke??
Maternal GrandFather: William Kearney (Carney)
Father: John Fennin 1820
Paternal Grandmother: Annie Young
Paternal GrandFather: Michael Fennin (Fennen)
Denomination: Roman Catholic
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1866 Born Athy Kildare Ireland to parents Mother 1840 Anne keeffe Father: 1814 Timothy Fennin
1888 immigration
1892 Marries Mary L Martin 1870
1894 has daughter Alice,
1897 has daughter Dora
1900 United States Census lives in Oyster Bay NewYork
1901 has daughter Bessie
1906 has daughter Mary
Has 5 sisters and 3 brothers
Maternal grandmother Mary Hanlon
Maternal grandfather: Patrick keeffe
Paternal grandmother: Annie Young
Paternal grandfather: Michael Fennin

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Anna Fennin
James Fennin
John Fennin
1902 Arrives New York
1911 has daughter Betty Fennin
1919 has son Timothy Fennin
1958 Death
Mother Mary Kearney 1855
Father John Fennin 1820
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1911 Irish Free State
1928 Immigration
1930 Lives in Bayville Nassau New York

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1871 November 2
1920 married Catherine Dunne
Son: Pat Fennin
Daughter: May Fennin
Daughter: Kathleen Fennin
Daughter: Gretta Fennin
Daughter: Bridie Fennin
Son: John Y Fennin
1932 had son William Fenin
1933 Sept 17 died
Mother Mary Kearney Carney
Father: John Fennin

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Mother: Mary Kearney
Father: John Fennin
Denomination Roman Catholic
Sponsors at Baptism Michael Fennin and Annie Fennin (grandparents)
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