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Mary McDonnell 1844

My Great Great Grand Mother

1841, 1843, 1844 Possible Birth Year

1865 marries Patrick Darby
1870 has daughter Mary Elizabeth Darby
1871 address 54 Canal street Lanarkshire via Scotland census
1872 has daughter Annie Darby
1873 Address 54 Canal Street via Mary Elizabeth Darby Death Certificate
1874 has daughter Elizabeth Darby
1878 has daughter Ellen Darby
1879 has daughter Mary Darby
1881 address 54 canal street Lanarkshire via Scotland census
1891 address 28 William street Lanarkshire via Scotland Census
1898 address 19 Balmanns Street
1898 June 30th Death District of Blackfrias in the Burgh of Glasgow

Mother:  Elizabeth Martin 
Father: Alexander McDonnell



{ 17 comments… add one }
  • valerie malarkey August 18, 2012, 3:59 pm

    This looks OK to me Lisa – Mary’s age,husband,father and daughter all match with other documents except it’s Alexander MCDONALD instead of MCDONNELL, but surnames often change I’ve certainly seen lots of Malarkey variations. It’s possible Mary Elizabeth b.1870 was named after her two grandmothers Mary and Elizabeth. Do you think she was the eldest child? Also have a look on ‘familysearch’ I found a 1yr old mary elizabeth Darby in 1871 census in Glasgow – might be the little girl we are puzzled about. Why did you think Alexander’s wife came from Co Longford?
    Hope I’ve done right to reply here, will send an Email as well

  • admin August 18, 2012, 6:27 pm

    Mary McDonald has been a puzzle for me for a long time and as soon as I thought I had it figured out the discovery of Elizabeth Martin adds to the mystery. It looks like either Eleanor Connolly or Elizabeth Martin could be her mother. I am going to try to find another birth certificate for Mary with parents Alexander McDonnell/McDonald and Elizabeth Martin. Eleanor Connolly and Alexander McDonnell also have a bunch or other children and what is equally bizarre is that the family moves to the united states and Mary McDonnell does not move with them she literally disappears from that family. Is there any chance her birth mother is Eleanor but she was raised by Elizabeth Martin who might be an aunt? I know how crazy that sounds!

    Longford is just a guess. The other information fit and I have the name Connelly (spelled connelly not connolly) as a witness on a marriage certificate for William Hendry and Elizabeth Darby so when I found the record I never really questioned if it was correct up until now!

    • Rhonda May 8, 2015, 3:37 am

      I can help you with all of this…they are my family…google….kerr family chronicles all of these people are listed and more in the macdonald chapter and the McReynolds chapter as well as the McDonald’s and Martin chapter …if you are relate to these people them we are related..:)

      • admin May 10, 2015, 6:20 am

        Thank you Rhonda! It looks like we are indeed cousins. Ive posted the link here: http://www.dankat.com/kerr/chap5.htm for anyone else who might come along and want more information.

  • Rhonda May 7, 2015, 8:05 pm

    Looks like I can help you out with this as they are my relatives….don’t know if this is an active thread but I do have alot if Info for you…

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